Starting your first Super Chat

How to start a Super Chat inside Redbill

Updated: February 14, 2024

2 mins read

Let’s start your first super chat.
You can start 2 types of chats -
  1. General chat - like ChatGPT but on your Mac
  1. Super brain chat - chat with a specific brain
Let’s see the first one.

General AI Chat

  1. Press the Redbill logo in the top left corner.
  1. This brings up the general super chat screen.
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  1. Click on the “New Chat” Button
  1. Enter your prompt in the text filed - “Ask your question explicitly”
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  1. Based on your prompt, your chat will get a name.
  1. And Redbill’s AI engine will respond with the best possible answer to your prompt.
  1. You can then carry on the conversation in the same chat.
  1. You can also create a new chat for a new conversation.
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Super Brain Chat

You can chat with each of your brains, and you can even have multiple chats with each of your brain.
  1. Click on the logo of one of your brains in the left side bar
  1. Click on the “New Chat” button to start a chat with the selected brain
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  1. Enter your prompt in the text filed - “Ask your question explicitly”
  1. Based on your prompt, your chat will get a name.
  1. And Redbill’s AI engine will respond with the best possible answer to your prompt.
  1. But it’s answers will be based on the context of the brain you created. This chat works like your very own personal GPT trained on your own data.
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