Creating your first Super Brain

How to create a Super Brain inside Redbill

Updated: February 14, 2024

3 mins read

Let’s start creating your first Super Brain.

Step 1 - Click the + button

Click on the + button on the bottom left corner of Redbill app window.
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Step 2 - Give a name to your Super Brain

You can choose an emoji for the brain, it’s optional, but it helps to keep the brain memorable.
Please click the shortcut - “CTRL + CMD + Space Bar” to bring up the emoji menu.
And type a name in the “Enter brain name” text box and click the “Create Brain” button.
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Step 3 - Add files to your super brain

Right now, you will have an empty super brain. You can add files to it either by dragging and dropping files or folders into the brain.
Or by clicking the “Add new” button and adding files from there.
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Step 4 - Indexing files

Once you add a file, Redbill will start to index it.
Indexing is the process of analyzing the contents of a file and preparing it to include in a super brain.
Once a file is indexed, it will become part of your super brain, and you can start chatting with it.
While the indexing in progress, you can see monitor its progress by click on the file you just added. The current satus of the file is displayed in the progress area on the right.
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Once the indexing is finished, you can click on the “Manage Brain” button at the bottom left, see the file in the brain, select it, and check that it’s status has updated to “Recently Indexed”
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Now, you’re Super Brain is ready to answer your prompts.

Step 5 - Chatting with the Super Brain

You can click the “New Chat” button and start prompting your brain.
And Redbill will respond to your prompts based on the contents of the brain you just created.
This is your very own personal GPT trained on your own document, stored locally on your Mac.
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